Going To Try To Keep Up..

I haven't blogged in a while so I hope to keep up with this again. Several people have told me they are reading or have read my blog. I guess  that is one way to get a girl to start think about  working on something like this again. Thank you to every one who has taken time to actually come here and read the few words I have had to say about myself.

A few things have changed since the last time i have blogged.

1) I am sl single and probably always will because my needs have changed greatly and I not sure that there will be any one willing to be in a companionship over a sex based relationship. I am okay with that because it took a while, but i have also learned that the number one person who needs to love me  is me.

2) I have bought a new mesh head and it's actually gorgeous! The Genus "Baby Face"  was the one I decided to pick and although at first it didn't feel like me I have gotten very accustomed to it and even like it a heck of a lot.

3)BOM was added to Second Life and it's amazing. If you have not figured this out then you should/could/ ask me about it. I will do anything I can to help you  and teach you how to use BOM. It changed the game, trust me.

4) My supply of plushies are increasing. I am starting to put together my own private stuffie safari land!

5) I have started to collect dolls called "Monster High". Draculaura is my favorite cause black, pink and vampire!

So, basically even though my life has made some subtle changes I am still the same person I always have been. Still a little, still adorable, still silly and cheeky. I have grown  as well. Learned to love myself  for myself and I am adjust to myself and my quirky odd world that I have created for myself. I have adjusted to my world. 


So i haven't blogged in a while so I thought I would pull together something new to talk about. I took some picture in SL. I have been taking a few pictures and I think I am getting better. Well. You can be a judge about that..check out the photos here.
Merry Christmas!!!
I made this Christmas picture yesterday. I think it is adorable. It is also with the new Catwa Bento head. If you are an SL Resident , I totally suggest that if you use mesh you switch quickly to the bento! It is so adaptable and capable of being as unique as your imagination will allow...

I hope you enjoy the links and the pictures! Have the best Christmas possible , Yay 2016!!


I found my own new Daddy! Finally! You could say that it was a miracle or fate or Karma. What ever the case may be I found him or he found me and we are now together. I love him dearly. It was so worth the time and wait.  I will keep updates but so far it has been wonderful. Did I mention that it has been more than online. We have met and spent two weeks together , the best time of my life!

Something New in SL

Today, I am on my second day at a new sim. I found it to be a little ostentatious with it's very formal feel but I still enjoy the people. They are extremely nice and  they have a good time just chitchatting.  I have to go shopping though. I suppose another excuse to shop is never a bad thing. I will get some knee length dresses and pant suits to round out my closest a bit.

Sharing Your Points of Veiws

Throwing your views out into the universe , we have to remember that there are others who may or may not read what you write. Often, we say things that we are thinking but sometimes what we are thinking isn't positive , loving or uplifting.  Maybe we need to reevaluate at times, Slow down and read what we right, think about what we say.  That is what the backspace is for, Edit! 

 I know I need to work on my Communication! I am not the best at verbally relating to people. Just take a few minute to get to know me before making assumptions. I really do have a heart of gold. In the mean time, I promise to take more time to edit what I say to be a little nicer and knowing that I have a tendency to be overly honest, I will promise to live by the rule " if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."! I will learn how to hold my tongue and when asked for my opinions, I will always remind people that I have problems with truth telling. If they don't want my very most honest opinions to please don't ask me  what I think. I will tell the truth.

Today's thoughts!

“I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you.”

―Dr. Seuss

I am afraid that something require me to put my foot down. One of those is crossing my second life into my real life. I want to find love in second life. I am not afraid of that. There are things in my real life i just can't mix into my lifestyle I choose , not now when things have finally settled.
So I am afraid that as soon as I get close I start building walls. I think I need a Daddy who is strong, Understand D/s and is willing understand some of my limitations and yet still love me for all the things that make me as special I know I am. One day I know I will find that amazing someone.

“You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.” 

 ―Dr. Seuss

Walk Slower , Daddy...

"Walk a little slower, Daddy", She said so small. "I'm following in your footsteps, And I don't want to fall. Sometimes your steps are very fast, Sometimes they're hard to see; So walk a little slower, Daddy, For you lead me. Someday, I want to be all you would like me to be. And I want to believe in you and know you are true. So, walk a little slower, Daddy, For I must follow you.....".