Sharing Your Points of Veiws

Throwing your views out into the universe , we have to remember that there are others who may or may not read what you write. Often, we say things that we are thinking but sometimes what we are thinking isn't positive , loving or uplifting.  Maybe we need to reevaluate at times, Slow down and read what we right, think about what we say.  That is what the backspace is for, Edit! 

 I know I need to work on my Communication! I am not the best at verbally relating to people. Just take a few minute to get to know me before making assumptions. I really do have a heart of gold. In the mean time, I promise to take more time to edit what I say to be a little nicer and knowing that I have a tendency to be overly honest, I will promise to live by the rule " if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."! I will learn how to hold my tongue and when asked for my opinions, I will always remind people that I have problems with truth telling. If they don't want my very most honest opinions to please don't ask me  what I think. I will tell the truth.