No Drama?...

If there's any one phrase that's way overused in  profiles it's 'No Drama Please' .

Although the word drama is mainly used for literature and theater to portray life stories involving conflict and emotion, dictionary entries also list drama as: a state, situation, or series of events involving intense conflict of forces.

We ALL have had experiences of drama in one form or another in our lives: the loss/death of someone close, financial woes and loss of possessions, hell, divorce; for example.

Who of us is so much more perfect that we have no dramatic tales, and then have the audacity to request that our potential other be without it as well?

Being involved in some drama is good character training, refines us, makes us strong and extremely appreciative of the drama-less times.So before using that way overused phrase in your profile: show me a person who has never been involved in life drama and I'll show you a person who will tuck tail, whimper and run at the first sign of trouble.


Estos Putzo said...

Now then Avril, I really don't think that's what people are saying. I believe what they are saying, those people who put it in their SL profiles, si that they are like a magnet, their actions in SL appear to attract drama to them. Rather than have a good long hard look at themselves and the way they interact with other people, they politely ask you not to rain drama on them. They are, I think, stating a preference not be be besieged by drama again, and again.

I see nothing wrong in this request. It make's it clear that they have had enough of drama.

Now, as for myself, I'm with you, it's the drama in ones life that adds the hardening agent. the test of one's skill to ensure that people in the situation come out as balanced and as unhurt as possible. Do I look for drama? NO! do I want to spend time with people who are requesting that they have no drama? Hell NO!

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