Finding The "ONE"....

So Life is Full of Surprises....

I walk in and out of my days not knowing what I will be doing next.  I know that i seek to be loved deeply and passionately. I just don't understand how someone who isn't free to do so  thinks that it is okay to say they will. I have to love myself. That requires me to have morals and to be upstanding. That means I need to stop letting people play me like a fool. I am just so trusting that I let people lead me around. It is time to start doing my own leading for myself for once. I am a strong minded person. There isn't a reason I need to let other people tell me what is good , moral and right. I know the answer to those questions. Now it is time to put it to good use. Let's go out into the world and find a Daddy who will loves me for all the little things that make me who I am!


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