Where Friends Come in Handy...

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
C.S. Lewis

Today. I dealt with emotions raw and deep. It took good friends to listen to me bitch and moan. I have compromised relationships and still they stick them out with me. I am truly amazed at how people can be sincerely good. They honestly only want what is best for you and rarely are they intentionally devious. I think that we often lead our selves into pits and traps and let our self fall into them. I made my mistake. I let someone who meant the world to me go. I hope that doesn't happen again.  I want to hold on to the thing that I love tightly and I won't let it go. I have to make priorities. I need to understand that I have to let those close to me into my whole life. Let's hope that I don't make the same mistakes. I never want this to happen again. It took friends to help me to see that I am worth more than just what appears outside...


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