Pandas Rock!..

So If you know me then you know that I am a HUGE fan of pandas. The day that World of Warcraft came out with the Pandaran, I switched all my played character to the race. Nothing is cuter that the gorgeous black and white face. The cutest marks over the eyes. I am not saying I don't love ferrets and raccoons because I so do. I am just saying that I adore pandas! They just look so plushie and squishy and cuddly! ADORABLE!

 They look so playful!!!

Don't you just want to pick one up and cuddle him close? Well, I think we should all have a panda a day, it will keep the blues away!


Estos Putzo said...

Kung foo panda ROCKS!

Estos Putzo said...

Oh damn should have said, he's AWESOME!

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