Embracing Your Warts (Thank you Aqua)

  So I receive this note card and it's absolutely brilliant . It talks about how we each have our differences and we need to embrace those  differences. Each of out differences are a purple wart. Some people will have more warts than another but they are what makes us wonderful and thus we should embrace our purple warts.

I would like to first say that my warts will be Pink. This is the color that I associate myself with the best and although many pick on me for this I will just have to think of that are just another Pink Wart.

Life is filled with differences. I am sure I am not the only one who feels like it doesn't matter where she goes she just can't fit in. I think there are so many people who like to stare at my Pink Warts. I am sure that people look at me as see each little Pink Wart and that is all that they see. I am also sure that I think I see my Pink Warts much more than they do. I don't believe , intelligent as I am, that they truly are staring at my Wart, but rather that I feel my Pink Warts all over myself and I am so focused on them that I forget to focus outward. I just have to remember every once in a while to reassess if worrying about m own Warts are just hurting my relationships with others who I know actually love me!


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