She's a nerdy girl...!

Oh yeah , she likes it all!

I know , I know! World of Warcraft, Star Wars The Old Republic, Star Trek Online. You name it  I more than likely have tried it. I love gaming. Table top  is a Win, Dungeon and Dragons, how do you like it ... online , on paper  or are you a larp'er. Yes, I did say LARP!  Table top action , any one. Oh yeah, I have only about a ton of fantastic , self painted  warhammer  figurines.  I think gaming is a way to bring out that roleplayer in you. It helps further your imagination. Did I happen to mention "IT'S FUN!" So go on girls get out there and get your gamer on!


Unknown said...

Do you play GW2?

Avril Aura said...

With out a doubt. I play GW2. I play an Asura and a Charr. I enjoy playing very much. I will how ever admit that World of Warcraft appeals to me a little more for the play style, but GW2 for the story lines and the making your own stories. It really is interesting. The differences are what makes it fun, I suppose.

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